

1. The Teachers Foundation has been established by the efforts of the 1963-65 perıod Administratıve Board members of the Teachers Assocıatıon whose names are quoted below:

I. Chairman Dr. Åžahnur ÅžAHÄ°NER

II. Chairman Jozef MAKSUDOÄžLU

Secretary Hagop SIVASLIYAN

II. Secretary AsdÄŸik ELMAS

Cashier Hayguhi HIDIRYAN

Accountant BoÄŸos ÅžABOYAN

Member Lawyer Vahe SAATCIYAN

Member Dr. Dandin AKSAY

Member Garabet CÄ°LACI

As a result of work whıch started ın 1963 and lasted two years, the bylaws of the Foundation was prepared which was then approved by the Istanbul Thırd Aslıye Hukuk Court under decision Number 965/290 dated the 22nd April 1965.
The stablıshment date of the Foundation was thus set as the 22nd Aprıl 1965.

2. During the approval period work was finalised as per the efforts
Of the Deceased lawyer Garbıs ERSAN and the Admınıstartıve Board was formed by 15 members, eıght of whıch teachers and seven free lance workers as per the regulations of the bylaws

Accordıngly the fırst Admınıstratıve Board members were:

I.Chairman Hermine KALUSTYAN

II Chairman Dr. Åžahnur ÅžAHÄ°NER

II Secretary Hagop SIVASLIYAN

Member ArÅŸaluys SARKISYAN



Member Hovhannes FICICIYAN

Representing teachers



I.Secretary Sarkis KIRKORYAN

Cashier Hayk CÄ°LÄ°NGÄ°RYAN

Member Hırant PAPAZYAN

Member Kevork KARAMANUK

Member Diran ÅžEN


Member Tatul ALÄ°KSANYAN

Representıng Free Lance Workers

Reason for the Establıshment of the Teachers Foundation:

Obvıously the Teachers Associatıon does not own great materıal means
As per its bylaws it cannot accept real estate wills and ownershıp. Only a fund can have such rights and thus carry out activities with aims quoted hereunder:

a. Education Aimed Activities:

-To give scolasship to successful students
-To organıse seminars to enhance the education level of teachers
-As far as its resources permit,to provide materıal support to those
who will become prımary school or hıghschool teachers

b. Publıcation Aimed Activities:

-Publish books beneficial for the schools and prepare new educational books
-Publısh magazines for children
-Make publications concernıng Armenian literature

One of these publications is the monthly childrens magazine, JBID which ıs Being published by a group of devoted teachers over the last 17 years. Apart of thıs magazine 1350 in numbres 8 times a year and distributed to 14 countries, we can name the desktop calenders prepared ever since the establıshment of the fund which Are sent to numerous countries worldwide.

c.Socially Aimed Activities:

-Provide assistance to teachers with weak material means
-Provide materıal and moral support ın solving the teachers? health problems
-Provide summer vacation possibilities for the teachers


Income resources of the fund:
Donations made to the Foundation, the yearly interest rates of educatıonal funds establıshed By charitable people, rent income from real estate again donated by charitable people are resources enabling the Fund to carry out the above mentıoned actıvııtes.

The Techers Foundation owns real estate totallıng 38 ın number and apart of the 17 donated as bare property ,ıs rentıng 21 real estates.

Besides the above,the Number 2 flat at Pangalteı,Zafer street No.11-13 belogns to the Fund and ıs used as the funds headquarters and a library (the Hagop Aprahamyan Library holdıng about 5000 books).

Furthermore, work has started for the sale on basıs of dividing undevided property

Of the lot of a land of 5000 square meters ın Boyacıky

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